Before Eli was born we had an amniocentesis done and a bunch of blood drawn from me (Carrie) to run tests on.
About a week ago we got the results of those tests and found out that Eli had Trisomy 13
and I had cytomegalovirus (CMV) both of which could have caused the hydrops that he had.
We are still waiting for the results of the autopsy and then we will meet with a specialist who will go over all these findings in greater detail with us. While it has been helpful to us in our healing process to know the results, they have also been hard for us to hear and have caused some turmoil for us at first until we are able to reconcile some things within.
We will never be able to express to all of you how much your support, kind words, cards, meals, and prayers have meant to us during this time of sorrow and grief. God is good even through all of this and we are able to see the blessings that He has given us and continues to give us even in times of great sorrow.